Prayer Points

About 200 years ago, James Montgomery included the line ‘Prayer is the Christian's vital breath’ in one of his hymns. That remains true today as prayer is our means of communication with Almighty God, although He may use other ways in which to speak to us.

Christian Endeavour encourages its members to develop the practice of daily prayer. Three times a year we publish a series of Prayer Points which we are asking people to focus on during each month.

Thank God for his blessings in 2024 and pray for the year ahead that we will live our lives reflecting his love and have opportunities to share our faith with those he puts in our path.
Pray for Irish Christian Endeavour and for Ken McGall, the President. Pray that Ken will be a great encouragement to leaders and Endeavourers during his time of office.
Pray for our NewsCEne Editor, Stuart Keenan, as he prepares copy for the special Commemorative Magazine which will celebrate the work and witness of the English Union over 22 years. Pray that he will receive a variety of articles telling stories of God’s blessings.
Pray for the current CEEU Executive Committee members as they continue to serve until the new group,‘CE Friends’, is established. We thank God that there will be continued opportunities to keep in touch with other Endeavourers in England.

Christian Endeavour World Prayer Day is on 2nd February celebrating 144 years of CE. Visit the website to access details of how we can pray together in unity.  
Pray for all the Personal Members of CE. Many are quite elderly now and have physical limitations but are still faithful supporters of the movement. Thank God for all they have done to forward the work of CE.
Pray for the Trustees of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland as they continue to plan the closure of the Union. Pray for wisdom in all decisions.
Pray for the leaders of the many Christian children’s organisations in this country. Thank God that there are those who still wish to teach children and young people the way to live in this changing and challenging world.

Thank God for all those who have served English CE in whatever capacity. Pray for the special celebration weekend at Beechwood Court 7th to 9th March. May there be times of corporate praise to our faithful God and many happy reunions.
Thank God for Beechwood Court and the opportunity it gives for people to holiday in beautiful surroundings, meet new people of a like mind and be graciously served by the staff. May those who visit be renewed and encouraged.  
Thank God for this joyous time of Spring when we see His handiwork in the beautiful flowers and blossom and baby animals. What a wonderful world God has made. Let us take time to appreciate all He has given us. 

Pray for CE worldwide. There are many countries where CE is growing even in places where being a Christian can be dangerous. Thank God for the leaders who encourage and the young people full of the enthusiasm of youth.

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